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2014天津极限飞盘公开赛(Apr 26-27, 2014)

2014-2-27 13:45| 发布者: leffwong| 查看: 3080| 评论: 0

摘要: 一年一度的天津极限飞盘公开赛开始报名,热烈欢迎队伍及个人报名,请发邮件至tianjinultimate@gmail.com。4月26日,27日,天津见。

Hi guys,You’re invited to 2014 Tianjin Open. the season started with Shanghai tournament this weekend. So excited! As the first tournament in North China, we hope we can get some teams from south China too.Last year, Tianjin Speed won the tournamnet, See who can beat them this year, who can beat Big Brother in the party...

大家好,我们诚挚地邀请各位来参加二零一四 年天津极限飞盘公开赛,今年的新赛季以3月22号23号上海赛和深圳分组赛拉开序幕,很兴奋!天津公开赛作为北方的第一个全国性比赛,我们希望除了北方队伍以外,有一些南方的队伍或者个人能来天津,去年天津speed打败北京大哥夺冠,今年谁能打败他们呢?还有谁能打败大哥赢得派对冠军?...

The details will be put on this website link too: link it to the teams events and you players can get the info form it. No Bank account on this website for satety. Talk to you captains if you have teams or  to the tournament organizers if you are pick up players. http://tianjinultimate.blog.sohu.com

如果你想公布这些信心,这个网络连接有-出于安全里面没有银行账号信息.如果你想了解缴费详情,有队伍的联系队长,个人队员联系主办方。 http://tianjinultimate.blog.sohu.com

1. Field Information:
Natural, 2 pieces of Grass Soccer Field
Tianjin Tuanbo Lake Soccer fields(Song Jiang Soccer Training Center)Map link: ttp://j.map.baidu.com/1kVhA
场地介绍: 2 片标准足球场大的天然柔软的真草地。
This year we got two soccer fields together out of downtown and it is far. So we encourage everybody to come to Tianjin on Friday night and Saturday morning we will have buses to take people to fields. To the hotels, it will take you about 20-30mins from theTrain Station by taxi, and 40mins from the Tianjin airport . 
If you have to come on Saturday morning, it will take you about 1 hour(80RMB) to the fields from Tianjin train station or Western Sation to fields, 20-30(50RMB) mins from Tianjin South Train Station and 70-80mins from Tianjin airport.

今年的比赛场地里市区远,所以我们希望大家能周五到,第二天做我们的大巴一起去场地,从火车站到场地,打车大概20-30分钟,或者坐地铁到天塔站下坐公交车到体院,就离宾馆很近了,如果你们只能周六早上到,只能打车去场地,从天津火车站 和天津西站大概需要1小时80元左右,天津机场70-80分钟100元左右,天津南站最近,30元左右。
Ratio (offence call): 4males:3females or 5:2
场上男女比例: 4男3女或者5男2女(进攻方决定)

Party theme: Cartoon Characters:
(images from Anime, Disney movies, Hello Kitty, Kids TV Shows etc. anything you dress up will be cool)
派对主题: 卡通人物:
( 想想动画人物吧, 日本动画片,灌篮高手,美少女战士,迪士尼电影,唐老鸭米老鼠,白雪公主,灰姑娘,孙悟空,葫芦娃,超人,等等,随便打扮,只要够酷!)

The tournament fee and Registration:

Before April 7th Students 250 CNY Workers 350 CNY.
After April 7th Students 300 CNY and Workers 400 CNY

4月7号之前报名并完成付款: 中国学生250元,非学生350元

4月7号后报名并完成付款: 中国学生300元,非学生400元

This fee includes:

Two days of Ultimate on Natural Grass fields, breakfast bread and
fruit, water,2 lunches, transportation for the fields, hotel and party, diner
party and as much great beer as you can drink in the party and on
Sunday afternoon on the fields.
费用包括:两天的场地费,早餐面包,水果,水,两顿午饭,场地和场地--宾馆--场地的巴士服务, 周六派对晚餐,喝不尽的优质啤酒,及周日下午场地的啤酒.

Every team should get to play at least 5 to 6 games. The detailed
schedule will be sent out in a later email.

For those who just want to come enjoy the party and cheer on the
teams, the fee is 150 CNY, and there is no early registration.
Everything except two days of ultimate is included!

The early registration deadline is Sunday- April 7. Teams which wire
in their money by that day will get a discount for all their players. Captains, please collect the moeny and wire to the bank acounts! Thanks for the hard work! Please let me know if you send the money.



Please read the above the information carefully and return us with the
filled registration form.

For the studnets team, i you need some sponsorship we an think about you first if we find sponsorhip as we are trying to look for some companies to help, although it is hard.And if any of th school teams need he Fapiao to get money support from your school, please let me know we can get Fapiao for you form some sports company but you will pay it.


We welcome all pick-up players to register up.


4. Accommodation: There are some options for hotels, but the best two choices with good price and location is: Map of the HOTELS http://j.map.baidu.com/mYVhA
HOTEL 1: Run Xin Hotel. It has 22 standard rooms(two beds) /room, 40 double rooms(one big bed for 2 people). All the prices is around 140RMB. double room is a little cheaper than standard room.
HOTEL 2: Xian Da Hotel . It has 23 standard rooms(two beds) , 9 double(one big bed for 2 people), all the rooms price is around 150RMB/room. double room is a little cheaper than standard room.
先达客房部:他们23间标准间两张床,9间大床间,1个三人间, 每个房间大概价格在150元左右,大床间会便宜点。

All the info of the hotels like add, phone number, you can find by click the map.

HOTEL3(4 STAR Hotel): Price for per room is more than 600RMB

8.Tournament Organizers contact numbers: 

总负责人, any question can come to him 
Edward Wang 王跃胜
Mobile: 15022414955
Email: edwardwang04@gmail.com

场地,巴士负责人,any question about the fields, buses, to him

William Zhang 张文来
Monile 18733556490

宾馆负责人 any question for the hotel, to him
王国尧 15202230285

Thanks, Hope to see you soon.








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